Nonuns (Eliana Acosta)
Nouns... Nouns represent persons, places, and things. There are two types of nouns, proper nound and common nouns. Proper nouns Name particular persons, places or things. there are usually unique and are capitalized in writting. Example: Dr Olsen, I chiro suzuki, sao paulo,china, the empire state building, harrold's. Common Nouns Refer to people, places or things but are not the names of particular individuals. Example: scientist, athete, city, country, building, department store. In common nouns is important to say that there are two types of common nouns, are count nouns and non count nouns. Count nonuns refer to things that you can count separatly. they can be singular or popular. here you can use the letters (a or an) before count nouns. Example: one woman, nine planets, 1,2,3,4,5..., this sandwinch is delicious, some vegtables are tasty, that is an interesting question. Non count nouns Refer to things tha...